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Welcome to our diary year 2003. Click here to explore our diary for 2001 or 2002
October October has been a very busy month for all family members. John continued to work in Spain, Charlotte was busy at home with full time work and 4 kids. John came home to spend 2 says of the autumn vacation with the kids and Charlotte. Jakob was struggling with his job as newsboy. The news papers arrives Thursday in the evening, and Jakob must have delivered all of them before Saturday 1600. There are 260 subscribers, and each subscriber gets from 10 to 25 newspapers/magazines each. The prep consists of bringing the papers into the kitchen where they have to be packed. Lasts from 1 to 4 hours. Then bring them back to the garage to pack in the trailer. The delivery lasts from 3 to 7 hours. Jakob makes about 1200 DKK to 1600 DKK pr month for this.
September The last stuff from our move from US back to DK arrived on Tuesday 9/16. It was John's bed, 3 new office leather chairs and other stuff. The bed became Lines faster than John got home. Kennet helped Line get the bed up to her room. It was necessary to remove the stair and the railing to get the bed up there. John stayed for 3 weeks in Zaragoza, Spain. On October 19 John traveled back to DK via Frankfurt, Copenhagen and Aarhus. Charlotte and Jakob picked him up at 2245. Next day John left again this time for Australia. Charlotte took John to Aarhus airport, and he traveled via Copenhagen, Bangkok, Sidney to Melbourne. Started at 1500 Friday in Zaragoza and arrived in Melbourne 2300 Sunday. Saturday 9/20 Charlotte and the kids visited Peter and Lone. Karin and Erik were also invited.
August The kids started school 8/4. Line started in Randers Statsskole 8/6. Line is very happy to be at Randers Statsskole. John left again for Zaragoza, Spain, Monday 8/4 and came back again late 8/8 to participate in Kirsa and Lars wedding and Nanna's baptism. The wedding was held in Sct. Clemens church, and the reception in Kirsa and Lars house. It was a beautiful ceremony, and the reception lasted all afternoon through the evening to 1 pm Sunday. John left again Monday 8/11 for Zaragoza, and returned again Friday 8/29. Saturday we held a little delayed birthday for Anna, where we had invited the family and Mogens and Dorte. We were barbecuing and had a nice afternoon and evening. Monday 9/1 John went to the doctor, and left again for Zaragoza.
July John was working in Spain for 2 weeks from 7/6 to 7/18. Vacation in Switzerland and Germany for 2 weeks. See pics. Saturday July 19 we were busy packing and making everything ready for our upcoming 14 days vacation. We left Randers at 4am on Sunday July 20. 9am we drove through the Tunnel in Hamburg. We had a flat tire on the trailer at 4pm, but managed to borrow a wheel from a farmer. Passed by Frankfurt at 6pm and reached our target at 9pm: Riegel. Within 30 minutes we had set up our camp, and just 2 minutes later we had to be 3 person's holding the tent to the ground. A very strong storm had arrived, and John, Jakob and Line were sitting in the rain holding the tent. The storm lasted for 20 min and was then gone again as fast as it arrived. The tent were damaged but could still be used. Other guests at the Muller See campground had gotten there for-tent very damaged. We were lucky, cause our were sheltered by our trailer. We were enjoying the Muller See campground. Mostly because of the lake and the very fine wearther. We went to France two times, both for shopping reasons. Anna's birthday was celebrated with early morning song and presents. We stayed at Muller See camping for 5 days before we moved further south to Horw Campground in Switzerland, where we stayed in Horw for 4 days, and went to see the Thommen-Indra family. We hadn't seen them for 4 years, but everything and everyone was exactly as we remembered. Only change was the kids who had grown up. We also went to the mountains 2 times,where we were walking on the marked pathes in a wondefull nature. After Switzerland we then drove north to a campground east of Koblenz in Germany, where we stayed for 2 days. We went to Deutche Eck and took a walk downtown Koblenz. This is where John wasvery disappointed in aMC Donalds: ketchup isn't for free. Must pay 6-Cent pr. bag. (Later John discovered that also in Denmark ketchup must now be paid for). Leaving the Koblenz area Thursday and drove up to Hamburg, where we stayed for 1 night. Friday morning we took of and went to the border between Germany and Denmark to do our "border shopping". We bought a lot of candy, possibly 7 kg and left for Kibæk, Herning in DK, where Jakob would participate in a soccer camp. Arrived in Kibæk at 1500, where we set up our camp for the next 3 days. The boys won all their games until the final, where they lost to their hereditary enemy: Randers Freja. John went back to Randers already Saturday, because he had a lot of paperwork to do before leaving for Zaragoza, Spain where he is working for FKI Logistex as an independant contractor. FKI Logistex has a large job for www.inditex.com. John went back to Kibæk Sunday morning, and we left at 1300 Sunday. Line and Jakob wasnt traveling with us. Line has already left us Friday; she had been picked up by her boyfriend, and Jakob was traveling together with his friends in the bus back to Randers. On our way back to Randers we decided to visit John's uncle Verner and wife Esther, which we haven't seen for 4 years. It was nice to see them again, and like at the Thommen-Indra's nothing seemed to have changed. After this visit we were back in Randers mid afternoon, and started to empty the trailer.
May May 1 both Charlotte and John went to anniversary parties. John to his 10 year Crisplant Commissioner, and Charlotte to her 15 year Nursing party. May 3 Emma turned 5. Same day we were celebrating Oldemors 93 year birthday at Scandic Hotel in Århus. In the evening Peter, Lone, Lars, Kirsa and Karin came to visit us and celebrate Emma. Line has been taking examination in writing in English, German, Danis amd Mathematics. Grades to be announced later this month. May 13 Charlotte turned 40. We had arranged a surprise party: Charlotte believed that we were going out for dinner. In stead we had invited Peter, Lone (and kids), Kirs and Lars (and kid), Mogens and Dorthe (and kids), Karin, Jørgen and Anne (and kids) Edel and Jørn (and kids), Willy and Kamma and Gerda. Charlotte were very surprised when everyone showed up same time and walked right into the kitchen, where Charlotte were checking her E-mails at the same time. Amme Mette and Frants and Frank nad Merethe couldnt participate. Anne Mette however showed up in the afternoon to say happy birthday to Charlotte. Click pictures to learn more. May 16 we celebrated Jakobs Confirmation. We held the party in our house, where we had arranged the kitchen to fit 28 seats. (Excactly like we also did to Line's Confirmation for 3 years ago). Jakob had decided the menu: Schrimp salad, Ham and Roast with cream potatoes, salad and ice-cream cake. Later marzipan ring cake with coffee and Anthon Berg choclate. The "Go Home" food was Lobster Soup with French Rolls. To that, Red wine, White wine, beer, soda, sherry, whisky, cocnac..... Thanks to our former neighbour Kurt for helping out creating the marzipan ring cake, our neighbours Jørgen and Anne for storing our cream potatoes and for lending us their owen, our friends Willy, Kamma and Ann Sofie for helping out creating and serving the food, Peter for making the Lobster Soup, Lone for helping Charlotte with the flower docorations.
April Today is April 9. John has now been in Denmark for more than 1 week and things are beginning to normalize. John is still unemployed. John has been busy in the house installing phones, setting up wireless network, repairing PC's and so on.... All 4 kids now have each their own PC, and John and CH are sharing one. John has assempled Anna's new bicycle and Anna is happy for it and proud of it. We have decided to do the cooking for Jakobs konfirmation ourselves. Peter has promished to help us. We have ordered tables, chairs, tableware and so on at our friends Michael and Hanne who owns Vesterbro. Our combined kitchen/family room is large enough to contain all 28 guests. We did the same when Line was konfirmed. Jakob has decided the menu: Scrimp cocktail, Ham and Roast with cream potatoes and salad and ice cream layer cake. Whole family went to the yearly closing ceremony for gymnastics where both Emma and Ann participated. We have mailed the invitations for Jakob's konfirmation. Line is working a lot. She is a check out assistant in the nearby supermarket Rema. Kirsa gave birth to a beautiful baby girl on Thursday 4/10. We all went to the hospital to visit her, Lars and the little one. Charlotte went to visit Tina Jønsson and her mother on Friday 4/11. Tina visited us in September 2002 in MD, on her way back to DK via NY/NY. Charlotte went with her "Handball" friends on a survival trip. Left home at 1500 Friday, and came back Saturday 1300. John has been repairing the masonry on the west house end for 3 days. 4/16 Kirsa and Lars came on visit bringing the little one (They haven't decided any name yet) on Wednesday 4/16. 4/17 we went to Germany to buy wine and beer for Jakob's confirmation.
March Line has documented the view of each room in our hose. John Went to SC Tuesday 3/4 and returned to Frederick in the evening of Friday 3/7. He was driving and on he way back he was in a car wreck. The Truck he was driving (F150) wasn't damaged at all but the van that hit him (rear end) was so damaged it couldn't drive, but had to be towed. A State Trooper (VA) arrived shortly after the incident, and helped with exchanging information. See pictures. Line has bought a new cell phone to replace the old one she had borrowed after her first one got stolen on her trip to CPH for some while ago. John went to CA from 3/10 to 3/17. Drove from LA to Bakersfield where he paid Target a visit. The day after to SF to LA BMC. Visited Susanne and Robb and Gert and Lori in the weekend. Travelled back to MD Monday. John was preparing his leave from the US the weekend of 3/22 and 3/23, by test packing his luggage to see if he could carry all of it on the SAS flight. Was OK. John went to Indianapolis Monday 3/24 and Tuesday 3/25. John went to the Wirrick's to say good bye. John Left the US Friday 3/28, arrived in Tirstrup where Kirsa and Lars picked him up and took him home. CH were working that weekend.
February John, Doug and Mark were working the whole Saturday 2/1/2003 to take a crate apart and transport the lumber. John was in PA Monday through Wednesday 2/3 through 2/5. Saturday 2/8 John went shopping supervised by CH on the phone. Lasted most of the day. Sunday Mark, Dough and John worked on the replacement of the transmission all day. Did not finish. Mark and Dough worked on it the following Sunday and had it fixed and test drove it same day as the snowstorm with 70 cm of snow were progressing. John went to BCoat to start up the Commissioning of the Edgewater sorter Tuesday 2/11 and Wednesday 2/12. On Wednesday 2/12 John travelled to DK to help moving into the house. John returned to US on Sunday 2/23. While being in DK John had moved a stairway from the old master bedroom to the living room to make room for Jakob, so he could move in. Now all 4 kids have their own rooms. John also installed: 4 wall mounted tables, 12 lamps, 7 cupboards/closets, 2 PC's, internal house network for internet, 9 wall mounted shelves, mounted a drywall between the master bedroom and Jakob's room + installed various electrical stuff in different rooms to make life more comfortable for everyone. Charlotte has been unpacking ever since the container arrived Feb 5. The container contained 230 full size moving boxes and 130 pieces of furniture's and other stuff. Mostly Charlotte has all of it unpacked and put in place. Only parts missing now is the garage, where about 7 boxes still remain unpacked. Charlotte has done a great job. After John left DK, CH cleaned out the garage. The house is now 98 % arranged. John decided to resign from his job as Commissioning Manager as pr March 31. John went to PA 2/26 through 2/28.
January 2003 We have been busy packing and moving. Moving isn't the most pleasant thing to do. It is a pain to pack everything, say good bye to friends and family. We prepared the move by packing all non breakable Saturday and Sunday January 4 and 5. Monday at 1030 the movers arrived. They were done Tuesday at 5 and left. Handed over the keys to our Landlord (Bob White) at 5pm as planned. We moved in with the Egeberg's in the evening, after having said good buy to the Wirrick's. Charlotte and the kids left US on Thursday 1/9 at 505 with flight SK926 from Dulles to Copenhagen. They arrived as planned in Tirstrup 1/10 at 1050, where Kirsa, Lone, Ove, Grethe, Anders, Lars Kristensen were waiting for them. All their luggage arrived at the same time. They moved in with Karin for 2 nights. John has rented a room in Lake Linganore, and has bought a bed, and office chair, a bookcase new speakers and monitor for his PC. John spoke to CH Monday January 13. CH had gone to a job interview and has been employed immediately! CH and the kids are moving into the house at Strindbergsvej today Monday. The kids have started in school. Jakob seems to do fine. Anna too, but has some problems because she doesn't write and read Danish. She is having extra hours and we are confident she will catch up. Emma is supposed to start in Børnehave Monday 2/3. Charlotte, Line, Jakob, Anna and Emma is living in the house nearly without furniture's. They have borrowed madras's, table, chairs and sofa from family and friends. The container with our belongings has arrived in the port of Aarhus on 1/28/2003 after having left Port of Baltimore 1/9/2003. It will be delivered Wednesday 2/5 on Strindbergsvej 18. John was in Lugoff/SC Wednesday 1/29 through 1/31 to initiate a Commissioning.
January 1 2003 Bad weather all day. Spent all day at home. Line went to Virginia with Andrew. Besse and Line travelled back to DK on January 2nd with SK926. They arrived safe and on time in Tirstrup the day after. This is our diary year 2003. Click here to explore our diary for 2001 or 2002